Resources - Estate Planning
The Living and Legacy Documents
Basic Estate Plan Diagram
Married with Minor Children
Married with Children, No Minors
Married with No Children
Single with Minor Children
Single with Children, No Minors
Single with No Children
The Living and Legacy Documents report
Basic Estate Plan diagram
Estate Planning Questionnaires
Married with Minor Children questionnaire

Married with Children, No Minors questionnaire
Married with No Children questionnaire
Single with Minor Children questionnaire
Single with Children, No Minors questionnaire
Single with No Children questionnaire
Trust Funding and Transfer Instructions
Primary Residence
Real Estate - rentals, commercial, lots, deeded time shares
Credit Union and Bank Accounts
Mutual Funds and Brokerage Accounts
Retirement Plans
*Defined Contribution/Profit Sharing Plans - 401(k), 403(b), 457, etc.
*Defined Benefit Plans
*Qualified Annuities
Insurance Policies and Non-Qualified Annuities
Licensed Vehicles - cars, trailers, RVs, motor homes, etc.
DMV Form 656
Personal Property jewelry, guns, collections, etc.