Estate Planning
Asset Preservation Systems
Personal - Essential - Professional - Affordable
Planning - Documentation - Implementation
Since 2004
HERE you will learn what you need to know to make good decisions - your decision - and not be overwhelmed. We will train and coach you all the way through. You can contact us any time with questions. This information is not designed to make you legal professional or impress you. It is intended to be friendly and actionable. Thank you allowing us help you do the right things for you, your family, your assets, your investments and your business
Trusts & Estates
YOU, EVERYONE needs a basic personalize estate package that includes Trust(s), Will(s), Power(s) of Attorney and Advanced Health Care Directive(s). These documents are essential.
Read this boring short story of a successful port death family transition. this is how it is supposed to end.
* Are you breathing?
* Are you over 18?
* Are you married or single?
* Do you have children?
* Do you have minor children?
* Do you have special needs children
* Do you have a home or investment
real estate?
* Do you own a business?
* Do you own a Retirement Plan or IRA?
* Do you have life insurance?
"YESES" mean you need a documented estate plan.
Incapacity planning.
1. Provide for secure management of your business and financial affairs if you come incapacitated.
2. Appoint a health care agent to make medical decisions for your if you are incapacitated.
1. Avoid probate of your estate:
(a) No attorneys' fees;
(b) No court supervision or fees;
(c) No excessive delays of distributions;
(d) No multi-state probates;
(e) No time-consuming hassles for your appointed personal representative;
2. Control who gets your stuff without
3. No court supervision or fees
4. No attorneys' fees
5. Preserve family harmony.
6. Preserve estate, avoid shrinkage.
Asset Protection

YOU want to protect your assets from unexpected, unwanted or predatory creditors.
If you become subject to judgement creditors, you will want the best defense possible.
Asset Protection Planning is the bedrock of Risk Management and Capital Preservation. How you structure the ownership of your assets can make all the difference.
Basic principles of asset protection:
* Own nothing, control everything
* Divide and conquer
* Tax Efficient
* Entity Structuring
* Revocable Trusts
* Irrevocable Trusts
* Asset Protection Trusts
* Land Trusts
* Single-Member LLCs
* Multi-Member LLCs
* C-Corporations
* S-Corporations
* More
Once we know your situation - your family, asset and liabilities, current entities, etc. - we can design your customized Estate & Asset Protection System diagram.
Advanced IRA LLC

Maximum Self-Direction
Check Book Control
YOU can invest your IRA in "ALTERNATIVE" and
"NON-TRADITIONAL" assets, including:
* Precious Metals: Gold, Silver, etc.,
* Cryptocurrency,
* Real Estate: rentals, flips, land,
REITS, agriculture,etc.,
* Private Business Ventures,
* Partnerships,
* Private Note & Mortgages
* Tax Liens, and much more.
IRA LLC - You will be the "manager" of your own IRA limited liability company - your own IRA investment company - owned by you through your IRA.
NOW you can take full control of your IRA with a self-directed check book IRA limited liability company.
OF COURSE YOU WANT CONTROL of your IRA investing. You don't want to be limited by self-serving for-profit banks, trust companies and other financial institutions that put their best interests ahead of your's. Finally, you can avoid these limiting conflicts of interest that are holding you back.
Most institutional IRA custodians offer only "TRADITIONAL" investments like stocks, bonds and mutual funds. That is where THEY make the most money. The few truly self-directed IRA trustees charge heavy fees that can devour you returns.

Founder and Principal
Welcome. You, of course, want to work with someone you know has the ability to get it right. This work is important to you, your family and your business. Decades of experience help. Licensing and credentials provide comfort. Experience is essential. All these tend to build trust. But one essential component that seals the deal is chemistry. You have to know that I have your best interest at heart, that as many of the conflicts of interest have been removed, minimized or openly addressed. Putting 'your best interest first' must be more than a slogan.
Affordable Legal Documents was founded on the premise that you deserve the best advice and documentation but you also have to be able to afford it. "Finally, professional legal documents at an affordable price."

Affordable Legal Documents LLC and Estate & Asset Protection Systems LLC mission is to bring all the estate and asset protection tools of the rich and famous to the rest of us. To us, our assets are just as dear and deserve the same or better protection. Everyone deserves the best legal planning and protection to protect their assets from probate, business creditors, personal liabilities, taxes, etc. So many are unaware of their options. High legal fees inhibits so many others.
The Mission of Affordable Legal Documents is deliver to competent planning, coaching and documentation to as many as possible at a more reasonable price.
* Identification of Needs
* Create a Planning (Estate & Asset Protection System design)
* Coordinate with other professionals (Accounting, taxes, insurance, investments, etc.)
* Documentation and Structures (Trusts, Wills, POAs, Limited Liability Companies, etc.)
* Ongoing Maintenance & Coaching